0x0013 - Basics Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate Obtain and Use

0x0013 - Basics Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate Obtain and Use

Let's Encrypt is the 'premier' free SSL certificate provider: Link

  • Free certificates that last 90 days
  • 300 million users (free is popular!)
  • ACME protocol and Certbot are used to verify that you have control over the domain.
  • Install snapd
sudo yum install snapd -y

2. Startup your snapd

sudo systemctl start snapd

3. Update the snap core / make symbolic link for classic

sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap

4. Install certbot

Note: although the guide at letsencrypt installed certbot through snapd

sudo yum install certbot

Still under construction.

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