lxc - Resize Existing Volume / Create Network / Shut off AutoStart / Set CPU

lxc guide in handling volumes

lxc - Resize Existing Volume / Create Network / Shut off AutoStart / Set CPU

Resize an existing container

lxc config device set <container> root size 50GB

Add a New Network:

lxc network create mynet --type=bridge ipv4.address= ipv4.nat=true

To inspect:

lxc network show mynet

To stop autostart:

lxc config set <container> boot.autostart false

To set CPU (shut down container before trying this)

lxc config set <container> limits.cpu 5

Add cdrom to the container:

lxc config device add <container> cdrom disk source=/my.iso

Remove cdrom from the container:

lxc config device remove <container> cdrom

Change Ram Allotment to a container:

lxc config set test limits.memory 4GB
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