0x0016 - PHP Fundamentals Part 1 Variables and Classes

0x0016 - PHP Fundamentals Part 1 Variables  and Classes

Installation of PHP with Xdebug under Apache2 was a little challenging, but it did work [here]. Some of the issues were compability between the apache2 modules and the various versions of PHP - but it did get working.

PHPStorm is a game changer in accelerated programming, with full code suggestion it shows you exactly what you are allowed to initiate in your code with code-completion:

Note: Where you click on the screen inside PHPStorm will determine what type of debugging you will get.

  • If you click inside the PHP code you will get the PHP XDebugger and the stepping IDE for PHP.
  • If you click inside the html page you will get the Javascript Debugger
  • Note the color change for the php block.

A basic class definition and creation:

Member notation of the object is obtained via $object->member gives us an example of a memeber object inside the class object.

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