Kuwait Introduces AI Generative News Anchor. 50 News Sites already are AI Generated.

Kuwait leads the world in the first AI generated news anchor causing much debate in the oil rich nation.

Kuwait Introduces AI Generative News Anchor. 50 News Sites already are AI Generated.

"Fedha" the AI generated news anchor will read news tailored to what you are interested in.   The future of news in 10 years will probably  look like living anchors - except the AI generated avatar will specifically give news in whatever you are interested in as has already started in this case. The introduction of the digital avatar has raised serious debate in the nation.

AI generated news presenter debuts in Kuwait media
Kuwait News introduced Fedha, promising that it could read online news in the future

If that is not enough 50 news sites are already generated by AI - according to this article.

Nearly 50 news websites are ‘AI-generated’, a study says. Would I be able to tell?
A tour of the sites, featuring fake facts and odd wording, left me wondering what was real

scoopearth.com a AI generative site typical article layout (much like this site). Many sites do not want to admit they use AI generative writers as it implies 'cheap plastic news' But cost is always the factor - and whatever saves money will economically rule.

Just for you information this was human written (for now).  If the AI does the writing expect better grammar, spelling, and general articulation.

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