Zero-Shot Generative AI Finds Antibodies 10-30x More Potent Than Natural. Author Gets ChatGPT to Write The Article and Relegates Himself to Snarky Comments About It all..

New AI's are finding antibodies 10-30x more potent than natural ones.

Zero-Shot Generative AI Finds Antibodies 10-30x More Potent Than Natural.  Author Gets ChatGPT to Write The Article and Relegates Himself to Snarky Comments About It all..

Zero-Shot simply means no seed data was used in the research.

  1. Absci has achieved a breakthrough in AI drug creation by designing and validating de novo therapeutic antibodies using zero-shot generative AI. Zero-shot refers to the ability to design antibodies to bind to specific targets without relying on training data of antibodies known to bind to those targets.
  2. The significance of Absci's achievement lies in their ability to generate antibody designs that are different from those found in existing antibody databases. Their zero-shot model includes de novo versions of all three heavy chain CDRs (HCDR123), which are critical regions of antibodies for target binding.
  3. Through validation against over 100,000 antibodies, Absci's generative AI platform demonstrated an impressive hit rate up to five to 30 times greater than biological baselines. This suggests the effectiveness of their AI platform in generating de novo antibodies that successfully bind to the desired targets.
Absci achieves a breakthrough in AI drug creation | Absci
Absci is the drug and target discovery company harnessing deep learning AI and synthetic biology to expand the therapeutic potential of proteins.

So there you have it. I'll even let Chat write the snarky comments as puns.

  1. "AI is like a fortune teller with a twist: it predicts the future but still can't explain why it thinks you'll trip on a banana peel."
  2. "AI is the master of giving you an answer that's both impressively accurate and hilariously wrong. It's the ultimate blend of genius and comedy."
  3. "AI is like a well-intentioned but slightly clueless friend. It tries to help, but sometimes its suggestions are as useful as a waterproof teabag."
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